Streamline physical donations with DonatQR.

With our app, you can ensure people give what you need, when you need it. Reduce wasted and unneeded donations, increase impact and efficiency.

Up to date inventory

You are in control.

Accessible worldwide

Reach new donors from one place.

Localised on demand

Customizable to your address.

More efficient impact

No more wasted and unwanted donations.

Scan QR code

You are in control, add your needs in real-time.

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About us

DonatQR is a social startup based in Croatia, dedicated to making positive social change in the world.

We combine our love of tech and business with our drive to make a positive impact in the places where we live.

Join us as we look to make donating a part of everyones everyday life.

team members


After the earthquake happened in Petrinja, we saw the abundance of goods that were sent by thousands of well-intentioned people, that in the end were not needed, went to waste or thrown away.

Previously in Croatia we have also seen individuals take advantage of such activity, stealing goods and then setting up shops to sell them to the very same people they were donated to.

Now it’s happened again. Truckloads of goods, being driven to the Ukraine borders. Tons of clothes, toiletries, food and toys unaccounted, lost, wasted.

DonatQR can stop this.

donations diagram

Stop waiting.
Start donating.

"These individuals are primarily driven and motivated by a higher vision or grander purpose and leverage the power of their position, their standing in the community, and the potential synergy and wealth-creation power of an enterprise as a vehicle or platform to advance their social goals."
"Transparentno doniranje: Očitajte DonatQR kod i donirajte upravo ono što je nekome potrebno"
"Za razliku od ostalih kampanja ovdje se ne radi o nekoj vrsti gerila marketinga već o humanitarnoj akciji prikupljanja Božićnih poklona djeci iz Dječjeg doma Maestral Split i podružnici Miljenko i Dobrila u Kaštel Lukšiću. "
"Nije teško😊 Na ulasku u dućan skenirate QR kod, kupite nešto s liste, a DonatQR se pobrine da dar dobiju oni kojima je doista potreban."
"U javnost su prvi put sa svojim zajedničkim projektom, odnosno web aplikacijom, izišli na blagdan svetog Nikole, i to u obliku humanitarne akcije. Ovom prvom akcijom, ekipa DonatQR odlučila je pomoći djeci iz Doma “Maestral”."